Pulse Shape Discrimination
PSD figure of merit, M, is defined as the separation between the
neutron and gamma peaks divided by the sum of the FWHM of the
neutron and gamma peaks at 1 MeV electron energy.
Measurements of 3.5 [ref. 3, Fig. 1] and 3.9
[Ref. 4, Fig. 6] have been reported. PSD figure of
merit, D, defined as the separation between neutron and gamma peaks
divided by the variance in the PSD signals at 1 MeV electron energy
is 11.3 [Ref. 3, Fig. 1].
For values of M and D at other energies and for electron rejection
ratios, see Figs. 3a, 3b, & 4 of Ref. 3 and Fig. 6
of Ref. 4.
Response to Protons:
E=0.83P - 2.82 (1-exp(-0.25P E0.93) where P is the proton energy
in MeV and E is the electron energy in MeV that gives the same
light output in the range 1-300 MeV. [Ref. 5]
A more precise study in the energy range 5-17 MeV developed the
following relationship [Ref. 6].
Neutron and Gamma Spectrometry
The absolute differential efficiency and neutron spectra for a
nominally 5 cm dia. x 5 cm cell for energiesbetween 0.2 and 22 MeV
are presented in reference 7.
Gamma spectra analysis at energies above 3 MeV taken with three
different sized scintillators is presented in Ref. 8.
Methods of analyzing neutron and gamma spectra are compared in
Ref. 9. Ee(MeV)=-1.092 + 0.5517Ep + 0.00461Ep²
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